EmojiOne will be releasing Version 4.0 of its signature emoji set on August 21! Thousands of hours have been spent fine-tuning our existing designs, as well as creating new illustrations for Unicode 11.0. Our goal throughout this update has been to create an emoji set that will appeal to all audiences, one that will inspire communication whether through licensed art or texted word. To that end, we couldn’t be more excited with this release, and we are eager to make sure all our loyal fans have the opportunity to access this set as early and as easily as possible.

Now Accepting Preorders!
We are pleased to announce that all 4.0 license preorders purchased during the month of July will receive immediate access to our Version 3.1 signature set, as well 4.0 access on launch day. That’s instant access to our best-selling 3.1 designs, along with being among the first to use our very latest 4.0 set. And hey, two sets for the price of one! Preorder information can be found here.

Additionally, license-holders who purchased any previous signature set prior to July 1, 2018 will have the opportunity to acquire Version 4.0 at a significant discount of 50% off! As always, we have licensing plans available for nearly any project or company size. We look forward to working with teachers, developers, agencies, and all long-standing users with Version 4.0.

Licensees have long appreciated not only the attention to detail in design, but also the high level of customer support that accompanies each and every license purchase. It is your feedback that drives many of our upgrades and that is evident throughout Version 4.0 (HAMBURGER being a notable example). You ask, we listen. Since Version 1.0, EmojiOne has been a grass-roots effort and as we evolve and expand our number one priority remains you, our clients.

EmojiOne Version 4.0: Innovative & Expressive
EmojiOne has firmly established itself as provider of one of the most sought-after digital emoji sets. We are thrilled to be able to offer all 2,827 designs in Version 4.0 to our fans, whether you’ve been with us since Version 1.0, or whether Version 4.0 is your very first license with us. Click here to preorder now to take advantage of this special offer and be among the first to experience EmojiOne Version 4.0.

Visit our Version 4.0 preorder page for more information.